Pelathe District

District Service Area

Welcome to the Pelathe District! We serve all of Douglas, Franklin and Anderson County in Kansas and includes the following communities: Baldwin City, Eudora, Garnett, Lawrence, Lecompton, Ottawa, and Wellsville Kansas. The district is organized to support the volunteer unit Scouters who provide the programs of the Boy Scouts of America, to the youth of this area.

We are working hard to serve the youth and families of Douglas, Franklin, and Anderson counties through Scouting.

If you are interested in joining our District Committee or Commissioner Staff, please contact one of our Key 3:

Brian Sturm - District Chair -

Scott Gates - District Commissioner -

The District is working on improving communications.  We are working on updating Constant Contact, a platform for sending group emails.  If you would like to receive emails for specific groups (like Cubmasters, Committee Chairs, etc.) or just for general information, please click the button below. 

Sign Up for Email Updates

Like us on Facebook or search Pelathe District, HOAC, BSA


Monthly Roundtable

Roundtable is our monthly gathering for unit and district leaders. This is a great way to learn about upcoming events and activities, camping and training opportunities, program updates, new Scouting initiatives, and get ideas to make your Scouting program better.

Round table is held the first Thursday of every month (except July) at 7:00 PM


Monthly District Commissioner Meetings

Commissioners are experienced Scouting volunteers who serve as friends to the unit to learn what they do well and what needs they have. Commissioners share that information so the district can better meet the needs to units to be more successful. Unit Commissioners serve as a key communication and relationship link between the unit leaders and district and council volunteers.

Commissioner Meetings are held the first Thursday of every Month (except July) at 6:00 PM

Monthly District Committee Meetings

The purpose of District Committee Meeting is to discuss ongoing and upcoming events, district operations, and to develop action items for current and upcoming campaigns. The District Committee and District Commissioners work together to support units with quality programs and camping opportunities, council and district Scouting initiatives, training opportunities and additional unit support.

District Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month (except July) at 6:30 PM 

Upcoming District Events

Blue Springs Christian Church
Saturday, Jan 25 (9:00AM - 12:00PM)
Garfield Elementary
Thursday, Feb 6 (6:00PM - 6:30PM)
Garfield Elementary
Thursday, Feb 6 (6:30PM - 7:00PM)
Garfield Elementary
Thursday, Feb 6 (7:00PM - 8:00PM)
Garfield Elementary
Thursday, Feb 6 (7:00PM - 8:00PM)
Monday, Feb 10 (9:00AM - 9:00PM)
Heart of America Council Service Center
Wednesday, Feb 19 12:00AM
Heart of America Council Service Center
Wednesday, Feb 19 (6:30PM - 7:30PM)