Recording Advancement
Reporting advancement is a requirement of the Boy Scouts of America, and entering it directly into the BSA system through an internet portal is the most straightforward way to get it done. Leaders may use Scoutbook, Internet Advancement, third party software, or the traditional paper record form to record youth achievements. Resources are found below.
Advancement & Program Resources
Cub Scout Program Resources
Scouts BSA Program
Venturing Program
Merit Badge Program and Counselors
The Merit Badge program allows any Scouts BSA or any qualified Venturer to learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as they earn Merit Badges. Scouts will also pick up some valuable life skills along the way as they earn these Merit Badges.
Youth, are you looking for a Merit Badge Counselor? Click here to search for a Merit Badge Counselor!
Merit Badge Counselors
Merit Badge Counselors work with Scouts on their selected Merit Badge(s). The Merit Badge Counselor is qualified to teach the Merit Badges he/she offers to teach, usually as a result of a professional background in the subject matter, being a hobbyist in the selected Merit Badge, or having a great deal of personal experience with the Merit Badge. A Merit Badge Counselor must complete the following requirements to be a Merit Badge Counselor:
Merit Badge Counselor Training
Merit Badge Counselor Training can be found online at It is also offered at the Kaw District Roundtable in-person. Please note that Merit Badge Counselor training is not currently offered in an in-person format in Kaw District. Please take the available training online.
Life to Eagle Information
Title |
Name |
Phone |
Eagle Committee Chair |
Rick Thomann |
913.593.4848 |
Advancement procedures are governed by the BSA Guide to Advancement. Kaw district seeks to follow these guidelines exactly, while offering the most support to prospective Eagle candidates. Unlike other rank advancement, the Eagle Scout award has always been something that is 'beyond the unit level' in some aspects. Youth preparing to embark on the journey to Eagle should be prepared to go above an beyond their usual Scouting activities.
For Eagle Scout Project Approval
Youth do not need to have all other Eagle requirements complete before beginning work on an Eagle project application, however, they must have earned their Life Scout. Youth considering projects must use a current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to describe their project. Troop volunteers should help guide youth in the completion of the workbook, but should not complete it for them. Project reviewers will check the following in every project proposal:
- Is the scout using the correct workbook?
- Has all contact information been collected?
- Pages C, D, E, F, and G are complete
- The project is unique enough to pose a challenge to the scout
- Proposal states how it will help others
- Materials needed are detailed in the proposal
- If fundraising is to occur, a fundraising application has been completed
- Health and Safety factors are considered
- Action items are detailed in proposal
- Both the beneficiary and unit leader have signed approval of the Eagle Project
Because of Kaw district's size, Eagle project approvals occur at Roundtable. Review of projects is a first come, first serve basis, and begin at 6:30pm. Youth seeking project approval should come with their project workbook fully completed. Rare exception is made for extenuating circumstances to allow a youth not to be present for their project review and approval. Email submission of Eagle projects are not allowed, and will not be considered.
A scout may not begin working on their project until after they have received approval from Kaw District. Contact Rick Thomann or Terrence Gallagher with further questions.
Eagle Scout Application Final Review
Before submitting an Eagle Scout Rank Application, scouts should verify that everything required within the application is correct, legible, and in order. Kaw district provides an Eagle Scout Application Final Review as a service to our Scouts. While this step is not mandatory, it is highly recommended that Scouts utilize this as their method for submitting an Eagle Scout application. Application reviews are held during Roundtable nights, starting at 6:30. Scouts should bring their completed Eagle Application, a written statement of ambitions and life purpose, their completed project workbook, and any other documents that would be submitted with the Eagle Scout Application.
This review is not an approval, it is a service provided by Kaw district to ensure that there will be no discrepancies in signatures, dates, etc. which may derail an Eagle Board of Review. As such, this review need not be before a Scout's 18th birthday.
Using the final review process also eliminates the need to deliver the paperwork to the local Scout office. If all needed information is present and in order with the candidate's paperwork, a board of review will be scheduled with the candidate at the time of review. The scout's paperwork will be taken to the Scout office for approval.
Submitting the Eagle Scout Application
If the Eagle Scout candidate chooses to use the final application review process. the paperwork will be collected during the review and submitted to the council office for the scout. The board of review will be scheduled with the scout during the final review.
If the Eagle Scout candidate chooses not to use the final application review process, all paperwork can be brought to the Heart of America Council Office at 10210 Holmes Road during normal business hours. Troop leaders should review paperwork prior to having it submitted to the council office. The most common mistakes are:
- missing unit information, including full unit number
- date discrepancies
- missing signatures
- a Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose attached to the Eagle Application
- Letters of Reference (see below)
- issues with Eagle Project Write-up
- incorrect Merit Badges/ discrepancies between what was earned and what is recorded
Do not submit Eagle Scout paperwork in a disorganized manner. A three ring binder or folder is appropriate for organizing Eagle Scout paperwork for submission.
Paperwork submitted to the Council Office may not be reviewed immediately upon submission. Please allow enough time for your paperwork to be processed before proceeding to a Board of Review.
To schedule a Board of Review, a candidate must deliver their approved application, project workbook, and all other included paperwork to Kaw district's Eagle Advancement committee. Emailed versions are not acceptable. Paperwork can be delivered during Roundtable. Contact Rick Thomann or Terrence Gallagher with questions.
Eagle Board of Reviews
Eagle board of reviews are held on the third Thursday of the month. Eagle candidates must be invited to attend, they may not just show up with their paperwork and board members. On rare occasion, an individual Board of Review can be held at an alternate location and time. Please contact Rick Thomann or Terrence Gallagher if you need special consideration.
Candidates for Eagle should come prepared with at least three and no more than six individuals to participate as Board of Review members. These can be members of the troop committee, church officials, school teachers, or others invited by the scout to participate. Board of Review members cannot be parents, guardians, or relatives, nor can they be the Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster, or Committee Chair from the troop of the Scout.
It is preferred that an Eagle candidate be in their full Scout uniform, including their merit badge sash. However, a Board of Review will not be denied purely based on lack of Scout uniform, although that may affect the decision of the Eagle board. An Eagle candidate should also bring their Scout Handbook.
Letters of Recommendation
Gathering letters of recommendation is not the responsibility of the Scout, however, Scouts can assist in the process. Because of the volume of Eagle Scout candidates in Kaw district, we ask Scouts send the following letter to the individuals listed on requirement 2 of the Eagle application:
Dear name of individual,
I have completed the requirements to earn the highest rank of The Boy Scouts of America, the Eagle Scout award. The principles of Scouting teach the Scout Oath and Law, that "on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight," and that I will promise to be "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent."
I hope you have seen these values in me.
I ask you to please write a letter of recommendation for me to receive this great honor. If you choose to do so, enclosed is a stamped return envelope to one of my Scout leaders and mentor. It would mean a lot to me to have your recommendation for this recognition.
Sincerely, name of scout
Alternate letters can be found by following the Eagle Scout Resources link.
Letters of recommendation are to be reviewed by all Eagle Board of Review members prior to the Board of Review, but they are not to be made known to the Eagle candidate. Letters should be submitted with the rest of the Eagle Scout Application upon turning it in.
Eagle Scout Resources
Resources & Forms