Explore one of the best Scout camps in the country during an exclusive weekend reserved just for Webelos!
Webelos Adventure Weekend returns to the Bartle Scout Reservation September 26-28, 2025. This unique camping experience is open to all Webelos and will include a first look at what Scout Camp is all about along with an exciting activity line-up geared towards achieving Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements.
- Who Can Attend?: Webelos & AOL's plus their unit leaders, parents and legal guardians
- Capacity: 600 Webelos and Adult Leaders/Parents
- Location: Bartle Scout Reservation (Osceola, MO) | Camp Piercing Arrow
- Cost: $35 per person & includes
- 2 nights camping, Friday optional
- *3 meals & Saturday morning snack, Saturday night cracker-barrel, program activities & patch
- Staff: Must be at least 15 years old.
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