Webelos Adventure Weekend

Webelos adventure

Explore one of the best Scout camps in the country during an exclusive weekend reserved just for Webelos!

Webelos Adventure Weekend returns to the Bartle Scout Reservation September 26-28, 2025. This unique camping experience is open to all Webelos and will include a first look at what Scout Camp is all about along with an exciting activity line-up geared towards achieving Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements.

  • Who Can Attend?: Webelos & AOL's plus their unit leaders, parents and legal guardians
  • Capacity: 600 Webelos and Adult Leaders/Parents
  • Location: Bartle Scout Reservation (Osceola, MO) | Camp Piercing Arrow
  • Cost: $35 per person & includes
    • 2 nights camping, Friday optional
    • *3 meals & Saturday morning snack, Saturday night cracker-barrel, program activities & patch
  • Staff: Must be at least 15 years old.

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