Roundtable is our monthly gathering for unit and district leaders. This is a great way to learn about upcoming events and activities, camping and training opportunities, program updates, new Scouting initiatives, and get ideas to make your Scouting program better.
During Roundtable, we will take a few minutes at the joint opening of the program to make announcements that are applicable to all of our unit leaders. Similarly, if there are program-specific announcements that need to be made we will conduct those in each breakout. Announcements are asked to be coordinated with Rick Fiori and his team, as our goal at Roundtable is to provide you with the program you want and need to improve your unit program. Interesting and useful program is the main purpose of Roundtable!
Roundtables are currently held at The Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City, 5801 W 115th St Overland Park, KS, on the first Thursday of the month during the school year. All are invited to attend.
Journey to Excellence
Scouting's Journey to Excellence is BSA's performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of our units, districts, and councils. Visit the BSA's JTE website for more details and information.
As part of the Journey to Excellence program, units are asked to enter their service projects and hours online. Anyone can enter service projects and multiple people within the unit can be authorized to enter service projects. If you need to enter service hours, you will need a Unit ID number to get started. If your unit has never entered service hours, or if someone needs to be added, that person will need to start with a Unit ID number. From there, that individual can set up their own person profile within the service hour website, without having to need the Unit ID in the future.
Unit Marketing
There are many resources that exist for you to use within your unit that are available from the Council and the BSA to help you promote your unit. Whether you are looking for recruitment resources, marketing materials, or collateral information about the BSA, many new resources exist that you can use to promote your program. The best part of all is that they are free!
Scouting Resources
Youth join Scouting for our outstanding program offerings. Having a well-planned, well-rounded, year-round program is key to membership retention and success! The BSA has many resources available online and in our local Scout Shop to assist you in developing, planning, and carrying out your program! A comprehensive list can be found in Scouting Forms.
Cub Scout Resources
Scouts BSA Resources
Ideal Year of Scouting
Providing a year-round, quality Scouting program should be the goal of every Scouting unit. The Ideal Year of Scouting helps you develop an annual program plan, a budget to go along with that plan, and a fundraising plan to reach your program goals. The result is a well-managed, well-financed Scouting unit. For more information for your Pack, Troop, and Crew check out the HOAC Ideal Year of Scouting page.
District Resources
District Activities like Cub Scout Family Campout, District Pinewood Derby, Camporee, District Dinner, and more are opportunities for units to include these programs in their yearly plan to enhance and supplement their unit program and demonstrate how many more Scouts are out there that you may not realize!
District Advancement helps units understand the advancement program and processes to ensure that the youth in the program are learning the information and being properly recognized in a timely manner for their knowledge growth in Scouting!
District Camping efforts include executing Cub Scout Day Camp for all Cub Scouts in the district, promoting the resident camping opportunities throughout the council such as Bear Camp, Webelos Camp, and Scouts BSA Camp, and encouraging camping opportunities for all at High Adventure Bases.
Commissioners are experienced Scouting volunteers who serve as friends to the unit to learn what they do well and what needs they may have. Commissioners share that information so the district can better meet the needs of the units, and help them be successful. Commissioners serve as a key communication and relationship link between the unit leaders and the district and council volunteers and staff.
District Finance is tasked with raising the funds needed to be able to fund the program provided at the district and council level, whether through direct donations from families, fundraising events in the community, or product sales like popcorn.
District Membership plans are executed in partnership with units to grow the Scouting program through new member recruitment in all programs, transitioning from one program to another (i.e. Webelos Transition), and starting new units throughout the district.
District Training programs exist to make sure all adults are properly trained to be able to execute the Scouting program in a safe and fun way so the youth enjoy the program and stay with Scouting throughout their entire time as a youth.
Professional Staff are individuals that work for the Boy Scouts of America to help implement and support the plans of the volunteers on a daily basis at the district and council level and ensure the resources are available for units to execute their program.

All the Commissioners are friends and resources to the units in our district. Commissioners are the first, and best resource a unit can use when looking for information, asking questions, or trying to solve problems. Keep in mind, your Commissioner may not know all the answers, but they will be able to point you in the right direction.
Unit commissioners will focus on the following four primary areas:
- Supporting unit growth through the Journey to Excellence
- Contacting units and capturing their strengths and needs in Commissioner Tools
- Linking unit needs to district operating committee resources
- Supporting timely charter renewal
Contact District Commissioner, Paul Bertrand, for assistance with unit service.