Merit Badge Forum

January 11 & February  1, 2025 | Church of the Resurrection 

The Soaring Eagle District will hold its 6th Annual Merit Badge Forum on January 11 and February 1, 2025 from 8am - 12:45pm.

New this year on-line registration!
Registration deadline: December 27th, 2024

Location: Church of the Resurrection - 13720 Roe Ave, Leawood, Kansas 66224

 More Info Register Here

*EVERY UNIT IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE & REGISTER AT LEAST 3 ADULTS to help (not including Merit Badge Counselors)

*We also require 1 additional Adult register for every 10 Scouts above your first 10 Scouts. (example: 20 Scouts-4 Adults; 30 Scouts-5 Adults; 40 Scouts-6 Adults)


Search for Merit Badge Counselors

Eagle Project Review and Board of Review

Soaring Eagle District Eagle Review Board Chair: Jeff Wilson

As Life Scouts work towards their Eagle Rank, they will work with a Troop Eagle Coach to plan their leadership project. Prospective Eagle Scouts must then have their project reviewed and approved by members of the District Advancement Committee prior to starting the project. These Scouters will ensure the Eagle Project fulfills all National Advancement requirements for the Eagle Scout Rank. Below find links to the current Eagle Workbook, Eagle Application and Letter of Recommendation, as well as helpful checklists.

Initial and Final Eagle Project Reviews are conducted at the Scouting Resource Forum on the first Thursday of each month (except July) at the Jewish Community Center, 5801 115th Street, Leawood, Kansas at 7:00 p.m. - Map to Jewish Community Center

Eagle Board of Reviews take place on the fourth Thursday of the month (except Oct, Nov, Dec) at Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, KS 66223 at 6:30 p.m.  October date is 10-22, November date is 11-21, December date is 12-12.   Map to Congregation Beth Shalom

Council and National Scholarships and Awards for Eagle Scouts

Scout Leader Resources

Soaring Eagle Scouts BSA Advancement Chair: Herb Strain

Soaring Eagle Cub Scout Advancement Chair: Carl Mayorga

Internet Advancement
Reporting Internet Advancement is a requirement of the Boy Scouts of America. Units should select an advancement processor who is granted access with a council-provided Unit I.D. It's recommended that units report advancements monthly to ensure timely credit for the youth's achievements. 

Cub Scout Advancement
Bobcat Advancement is the first Advancement in Scouting and can be earned very quickly. In your Pack you should have several new advancements in the month of September and October. It is important for your Cub Scout Pack's Journey To Excellence Score that those get uploaded as soon as possible in order for those to count towards JTE.