
April 11-13, 2025 | Naish Scout Reservation

Ready to ROCK High Adventure? Hike-A-Palooza is a FREE outdoor experience dedicated to learning all about the BSA’s High Adventure Bases in a fun outdoor setting.

Held at Camp Naish April 11-13, the event features a full day training for crews venturing to Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier, Florida Sea Base or the Summit Bechtel Reserve and features an interactive hike on the Rim Rock Trail. Visit just for the day or camp out the entire weekend! Learn more and reserve your spot today!

Register Now

National Jamboree

July 22-31, 2026 | Summit Bechtel Reserve

Jamboree is more than a destination. It’s the adventure of a lifetime. And there is simply nothing else like it on the planet.

What’s a Jamboree? It’s not camp. National Jamboree is 360-degrees of fun, friends and fellowship with hands-on adventure that takes you places you never thought you’d go and challenge you to try things you never thought you could.

Interested in joining our council contingent to the Jamboree July 22-31 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve? Complete our Interest survey below! 

HOAC Jamboree Interest Survey More about Jamboree



Looking to fill extra spots for your unit's High Adventure reservation ...or looking to attend a  without a unit?

Our National BSA High Adventure Bases want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to attend! Whether that means helping you fill a couple extra slots for your Unit registration or connect you with a unit other than your own, we’re here to help. 

Select a "Scout Connection" below to get started. 

Scout Connections: Summit Scout Connections: Northern Tier Scout Connections: Sea Base Trek Match: Philmont