Volunteer Training

Bonnie Kubacka

Bonnie Kubacka

Council Training Chair

Training is an important part of learning to become an effective leader. The important scouting position you hold will be easier and more effective once you develop the skills necessary to deliver a quality scouting program every Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturer desires. Every youth member of Scouting deserves a Trained Leader.

The Heart of America Council provides training courses for every position in Scouting. The information below will help you find the courses you need for your current or future position, when they are scheduled, and contact information if you have questions about training courses offered in your area.

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Cub Scout Training Resources

Cub Scout Job-Specific Basic Training

So, you're a new Cub Scout Leader? We are here to help you on this new adventure! Cub Scout Job- Specific Training is for all new Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Committee Chairs, Committee Members and assistants. This training will prepare you to be a successful leader in your Pack or Den. Training may be completed online at www.my.scouting.org or HOAC also offers numerous classes through out the KC Metro. 

Join us for the 2021 Virtual Cub Scout Job- Specific Training Course.

Cub Scout Advanced and Supplemental Training Courses

Participating in supplemental and advanced training is an a great way to keep your basic leadership skills fined tuned and provides an opportunity to gather new ideas from other experienced Cub Scout Leaders.

Scouts, BSA Training Resources

Because every scout deserves a Trained leader.

New Leader Training/Position Specific – Just getting started in Boy Scouting? To begin your training to be a Boy Scout Adult Leader, begin with these courses that are developed, not only for the new leader, but also for the protection of the youth and to help you to understand the basics of Boy Scouting. 

Venturing Training Resources

  • Powder Horn- Provides a robust outdoor program using a variety of resources. Training available in 2025.

Shooting Sports Training

NRA Range Safety Officer Training:

BSA Shooting Sports requirements that there be one Range Safety Officer (RSO) on the line for any firearms shooting (Camp, private or approved range). This is the only course that is required to become an RSO. You must be 21 years old or older to attend this course.

Sessions are held multiple times throughout the year. We conduct two (2) types of Range Safety Officer Training's each type is conducted in the Spring and Fall.

First is a two-part course (Tuesday and Thursday nights). We will start at 6:00 p.m. each evening and wrap-up around 10:00 p.m. each evening. You must attend both evenings to complete Range Safety Officer Training. All two-part courses are held at Naish Scout Reservation.

Second is a one-day course We will start at 8:00 a.m. and wrap-up around 5 p.m. All one-day courses are held at the HOAC Office.

Range Safety Officer Training costs $50 and includes the cost of course materials only; no food is provided with this training. This course is required before you take any firearm specific Instructor Training.

Trainings cancelled less than 2 weeks before the course will incur a 50% refund.

To sign up for 2024 training courses go to Shooting Sports 2024

NRA Basic Firearms Training

Basic Firearm training is a prerequisite for any instructor certification and a means for achieving Scouting Merit Badge in the firearm discipline (rifle, shotgun). All scouts, venturers, sea scouts (age 14 and above) and adult Scouters can attend. Sessions are one day in length starting at 8:00 a.m. and complete around 5:00 p.m. Scouts completing the course will have also completed the merit badge and can have a blue card filled out for the troop advancement. Sessions currently are at Camp Naish.

Basic Firearm Training costs $30 and includes the cost of course materials and ammunition only; no food is provided with this training. This course is required before you take any firearm specific Instructor Training.

Trainings cancelled less than 2 weeks before the course will incur a 50% refund.

To sign up for 2024 training courses go to Shooting Sports 2024.

NRA Basic Instructor Training

The Basic Instructor Training is the first part of NRA certification for any firearm discipline (Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol & Muzzleloader), and needs to be only attending once within a year. Basic Sessions are held multiple times throughout the year. We conduct two (2) types of Basic Instructor Training, each type is conducted in the Spring and Fall.

First is a two-part course (Tuesday and Thursday nights). We will start at 6:00 p.m. each evening and wrap-up around 10:00 p.m. each evening. You must attend both evenings to complete Basic Instructor Trainings. All two-part courses are held at Naish Scout Reservation.

Second is a one-day course We will start at 8:00 a.m. and wrap-up around 5 p.m. All one-day courses are held at the HOAC Office.

Basic Instructor Training costs $25 and includes the cost of course materials only; no food is provided with this training. This course is required before you take any firearm specific Instructor Training.

Trainings cancelled less than 2 weeks before the course will incur a 50% refund.

To sign up for 2024 training courses go to Shooting Sports 2024

NRA Firearm-specific Instructor Training

Participants must have completed the Basic Instructor Training and the Basic Firearm Training for the firearm they wish to be an instructor in. Sessions are held one to two times a year in the following disciplines: Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, and Muzzle-loading. This training runs over the course of two days; all day Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday morning/early afternoon from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. You must attend the full weekend to complete Instructor Training. All courses are held at Naish Scout Reservation. The course fee of $50 covers includes the cost of course materials only; no food is provided with this training.

Trainings cancelled less than 2 weeks before the course will incur a 50% refund.

Download the NRA Pre-Course Assessment/Questionnaire for Firearm-specific Instructor Training and complete it before arriving at your scheduled Instructor Training.

To sign up for 2024 training courses go to Shooting Sports 2024. 


2024 National Camp School Pre-Qualification Training at Camp Naish

This 3-day course will include NRA Basic Instructor Training, Rifle Instructor, and Shotgun Instructor Training. You must attend all 3 days of this course.

The cost for this course is $135.00 and includes lodging (if needed) and all meals. Trainings cancelled less than 2 weeks before the course will incur a 50% refund.

To sign up for this 2024 training course go to NCS 2024.

For specific questions regarding this National Camp School Pre-course please contact Russ Lindsay at 913-269-0050 or RSLindsayJr@gmail.com.


Youth Members Training Resources


The duties of all Den Chiefs are:

  • Know the purposes of Cub Scouting
  • Help Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting.
  • Be the activities assistant in den meetings.
  • Set a good example by attitude and uniforming.
  • Take part in weekly den meetings.
  • Assist the den in its part of the monthly pack meeting program.
  • Be a friend to the boys in the den.
  • Know the importance of the monthly theme.
  • Meet as needed with the adult members of the den, pack and troop.
  • Den Chief Training is available online and also scheduled to be offered at the University of Scouting. Click the link above or contact your District Training Chairman or District Executive for the next scheduled Den Chief Training in your district.

NYLT (National Youth Leader Training):

An intensive, seven-day outdoor training experience for young men and women in support of the Unit Leader's responsibility for the training of troop youth leaders. The purpose of NYLT is to give participants the confidence and knowledge to run the Unit program; to give participants a basic knowledge of the eleven skills of leadership and help them relate these skills to their Unit responsibilities; to give participants the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with youth from other Units; to create an atmosphere where Scouts will experience Scouting at it's best; to enhance the relationship between his/her Unit Leader, and TO HAVE FUN!

For additional information, click here.

First Aid Trainings


Wilderness First Aid, or “WFA”, is a course specifically for Scouts and Scouters to help them provide assessment and treatment miles from advanced care. Must be at least 14 years of age before taking the course.

To sign up for 2024 WFA training courses, please select a date from our two Scout Camp locations by registering here.


Training Chair 
Blue Elk  Patrick Farmer  pfarm332@gmail.com   

 (816) 694-6452

Iron Horse  Gregory Ogan  gregory.ogan913@gmail.com  

 Mike Henre Sr. 

 Ron Spicer



 (913) 416-8361

 (913) 909-9222

Lone Bear  John Harris  johnharris@embarqmail.com  (660) 864-5061
North Star

 Charlie Brown

 Dan West



 (816) 365-7290
Pelathe  Rick Heschmeyer  rcjbm@sbcglobal.net   (785) 841-8853
Soaring Eagle  Steve Kohn  kckohn@kc.rr.com  (816) 795-9393
Spirit Trail  James McCann  usmcdodge1982@gmail.com   
Three Trails  Brian E Johnson  Nitehood@GMail.com  (816) 651-7246