Explore Scouting

Scouting means learning through living, making every day an adventure that challenges you to be your best. 

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Explore Scouting

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Adventure Ahead...Explore the outdoors at a Cub Family Campout and start your Scouting year right!

Kansas City Scouts brave the backcountry of the Northern Tier thanks to a program specifically created to keep the promise of adventure for all.

An Independence Scout is being honored after he put the lessons he learned in Scouting into action while on a family vacation in Hawaii.

Kansas Scout to complete rare feat by earning Eagle Scout, Summit and Quartermaster Awards.

Beginning  March 4, the BSA will enact a new adult application process that requires an enhanced Criminal Background Check.

It’s a symbol of peace, goodwill, and hope...now the Peace Light is making its way back to Kansas City this holiday season.