FALL 2024
The Fall 2024 course will be held September 13-15 and October 5-6 at Theodore Naish Scout Reservation. 

Register Online Here Download Flyer 

WB FAQ Sheet

BSA Medical Form Parts A, B, & C 


  • To develop a better understanding of the purpose and goals of the Scouting program and how they are attained
  • To learn the techniques of Leadership Training and Unit Operations
  • To share in the fun and fellowship of an exciting regional-level training course.

What is Wood Badge?

The Wood Badge experience is training for adult leaders from all scouting programs. It provides participants with firsthand knowledge regarding how teams develop and achieve excellence. Participants take part in an active learning process through involvement in planning, development, presentation and assessment. Participants will enjoy a world-class learning experience that will strengthen their long-term commitment to Scouting and provide them with valuable leadership skills to develop you into a better Scout leader!

Who may attend?

All registered adult Scouters from Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing, who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be registered adults of the Boy Scouts of America (there are no minimum tenure requirements).

  2. Have not previously attended a Wood Badge course.

  3. Have completed the basic training courses for their Scouting position.*

  4. Have completed the outdoor skills training programs appropriate for their Scouting positions.*

  5. Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. Successful completion of the Annual Health & Medical Record is required for all participants.

  6. Attend all sessions. There are no make-up opportunities. If an attendee has to miss any of the sessions they will be dropped from the course and will be asked to return the following year to attend the entire program. This includes attendance at any patrol meetings during the intervening week between the first and second weekend.


Just completed Wood Badge?

Sign up on the Group Gilwell Park website. It's free and you can find out about all the Gilwell events, the History of Wood Badge, and take a virtual tour of the park!

Completing your Wood Badge Course, "complete your ticket", and a member of Gilwell Park, you can register on the site with your course details and your Scouting resume. Don't forget to visit the Gilwell Shop, too!



  • 2024 Fall Course Dates
  • Pre-Course Meeting - August 22, 2024 (6:30pm Council Service Center)
  • September 13-15, 2024 (7:00am Friday- 5:00pm Sunday at Camp Naish- Central Camp) 
  • October 5-6, 2024 (7:00am Saturday- 5:00pm Sunday at Camp Naish- Cub World)
  • Post-Course Meeting - January  23, 2025 (6:30pm Council Service Center)