Eagle Board of Review Chair

Pete Zibers is the Spirit Trail District Eagle Board of Review Chair.  Contact Pete to set up your Eagle Board of Reviews -- 816-446-9258 or pzibers@gmail.com 

Eagle Scout Project Approvals

Eagle Scout Project Approvals are held during each Roundtable - the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Cass County Elks Lodge in Harrisonville.

Adult Awards

Scoutmaster Award of Merit Nomination

Shortly after the National Eagle Scout Association was established in 1972, it began to make available a NESA Scoutmaster Award.  The award was presented to one Scoutmaster per BSA area each year.  These Scoutmasters' records demonstrated proper use of Boy Scout advancement, and a significant number of their Boy Scouts attained the Eagle Scout rank.  This award was discontinued on December 31, 1987.

The president of the Boy Scouts of America requested that NESA convert the award into a Scoutmaster Award of Merit that could be earned by all Scoutmasters.  His rationale was that there is a need for recognizing Scoutmasters relatively early in their work in that position, before they qualify for the Scouter's Key.

Click HERE for the nomination form.

Recording Advancement

Reporting advancement is a requirement of the Boy Scouts of America and entering it directly into the BSA system through an internet portal is the most straightforward way to get it done. Leaders may use Scoutbook, Internet Advancement, third party software, or the traditional paper record form to record youth achievements. Resources are found below.

Advancement & Program Resources

Cub Scout Program Resources

Scouts BSA Program

Venturing Program

Merit Badge Program and Counselors

The Merit Badge program allows any Scouts BSA or any qualified Venturer to learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as they earn Merit Badges. Scouts will also pick up some valuable life skills along the way as they earn these Merit Badges.

Merit Badge Counselors

Merit Badge Counselors work with Scouts on their selected Merit Badge(s). The Merit Badge Counselor is qualified to teach the Merit Badges he/she offers to teach, usually as a result of a professional background in the subject matter, being a hobbyist in the selected Merit Badge, or having a great deal of personal experience with the Merit Badge. A Merit Badge Counselor must complete the following requirements to be a Merit Badge Counselor:

Merit Badge Counselor Training

Merit Badge Counselor Training can be found online at my.scouting.org. It is also offered at the Kaw District Roundtable in-person. Please note that Roundtable is not currently offered in an in-person format in Kaw District. Please take the available training online.

Eagle Scout Information

To help Scouts prepare for the project review and finalization, we suggest that Scouts, leaders, and parents review the following information:

Additional Eagle Scout Information

Resources & Forms

For questions regarding advancement, please contact the District Advancement Chair, Dan Barnes at 816-304-4590.