Blue Elk District Advancement

District Advancement helps units understand the advancement program and processes to ensure that the youth in the program are learning the information properly and being recognized in a timely manner for their knowledge growth in the Scouting program.


Eagle Scout, Sea Scout Quartermaster & Venturing Summit

To schedule a Project Review, Board/Bridge of Review, and/or for more information about BSA's highest ranks, please click on the corresponding image below. If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact the Blue Elk District Advancement Chair or one of the Blue Elk District Key 3.

Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout represents Scouts, BSA's highest honor. Nationally, only 4% of Scouts attain the rank of Eagle. In Heart of America Council, 20% of Scouts attain the rank of Eagle

Learn More 

Sea Scout Quartermaster

The Quartermaster Award is the highest award in the Sea Scout program. Not only can a Sea Scout earn this award, but they can also earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

Learn More 

Venturing Summit Award

The Summit Rank represents Venturing's highest honor.  To achieve this ultimate recognition, you will serve the crew as a leader— both formally and informally— and you will be a mentor to others.

Learn More 

Reporting internet advancement is a requirement of the Boy Scouts of America. All units should select an advancement processor who is granted access with a council provided unit ID. It is recommended that units report advancements monthly to ensure timely credit for a youth's achievements.Click Here!

All advancement must be reported to local councils. This is important in keeping member records up to date and it assures an accurate count in the Journey to Excellence performance recognition program.

Visit the council's advancement page for more information on advancements.



Phillip Davis

Advancement Chair

Blue Elk District

(816) 565-0281
Email Phillip


Jody Fails

Cub Scout Advancement

Blue Elk District

(816) 569-4984
Email Jody