Heartland Tree Alliance Academy

April 22 & April 29

Earn Forestry Merit Badge and help plant more than 1,500 trees in Kansas City during our Heartland Tree Alliance Academy April 22 or April 29. This FREE workshop is open to all Boy Scouts, Venturers and Varsity Scouts and includes everything from planting demos to conservation best practices. This is a great opportunity for Scouts to learn about nature and earn some service hours along the way. 

  • Where: Blue Valley Park in Kansas City, MO (near 23rd and Topping Avenue)
  • When: April 22 or April 29 (Scouts attend only one date). Rain date: May 6
  • Who: For Boy Scouts, Venturers and Varsity Scouts only
  • Why: Participating Scouts will earn the Forestry Merit Badge and earn 3 community service hours (Life Scouts earn 3 conservation hours)  
  • Cost: FREE - Scouts will receive a snack prior to the tree planting activity

Reservations are limited to the first 100 Scouts for each date. Scouts are asked to wear work clothes (long pants, class B shirt and closed toe shoes). Bring a re-usable water bottle. All tree planting tools will be provided.


8:30 am - Registration

9:00 am - Educational Sessions

10:45 am - Tree Planting Demonstration

11:00 am - Tree Planting Activity

12:30 pm - Program Wrap Up