Scouting for Food

We're teaming up with Harvesters and food pantries across the metro for Scouting for Food, a neighborhood based food collection campaign that will help feed the hungry across Kansas City this holiday season. Items collected stay in your community and will be distributed directly to more than 30 partner agencies.

It's easy for Scouts to participate and it happens all within your neighborhood on 
November 11 and November 18.

Follow the 4-steps below to get started

Step 1: Distribute Flyers


Door to Door Option: On November 11, distribute flyers close to your home. Print 10-20 of the flyers below.

Wear your uniform and with a parent, leave a flyer on the front door of your nearest neighbors. Do not knock on the door, just leave the flyer. If a neighbor is out, while keeping a safe distance, kindly explain what Scouting for Food is about.

Digital Option: You can also post a flyer to your neighborhood's HOA or social media groups (like Nextdoor) asking for donations. 

Scouting for Food Flyer (for Homes) Social Media Image Scouting for Food Promotional Flyer (for Units)

Step 2: Collect Food


On November 18 from 8:00 am - 10:00 am, Scouts and their parent will return to each house where they left a flyer and collect any and all food donations. If you posted a digital flyer, be sure to canvass the entire neighborhood for donations.

Step 3: Drop Off Food


After collecting all donations in your neighborhood, drop off items at your unit's agreed upon collection location or at the nearest community drop-off location. List of food pantry drop-off locations below.

Drop Off Locations

Step 4: Report Results


Be sure to record your service hours for a job well done. Each Scout will receive 2 service hours.

After November 18, submit your information below, including the number of bags of food collected.

Submit Your Totals