Micosay Year in Review

2024 Year in Review

Dan Morales

Recording Medicine Man Buffalo Heart

After months of preparation, and countless hours of meetings and rank advancements, the 2024 camping season started on May 31st with the Tribal Celebration. At the Chieftain’s ceremony on Saturday evening, June 1, John Collier, Gliding Fire, was named as Presiding Chieftain for the next 12 moons. Also, that night there were 25 Sachems, 21 Keepers of the Wampum, and 10 Sagamores and 5 Medicine Men.

During the five sessions of camp the Blue Elk Records Center sent out the call for 544 Foxmen who now proudly wear a Foxman stick, 535 now wear the pouch and claw of a Brave and 415 are adorned with the double claws of a Warrior. The Honorary program inducted 187 as Honorary Warriors and 97 as Honored Women. Honorary Warriors, Honored Women, and new Braves gave us 719 new tribesmen. Calls in Lone Bear Council Ring produced 320 Firebuilders, 244 Tom-Tom Beaters, 134 Runners, 104 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 62 Shamans.

With the Tribal Council staff elevations, the elevations of those who could not attend Tribal Celebration and those from Tribal Celebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2024 was 52 Sachems, 25 Keepers of the Wampum, 11 Sagamores, 5 Medicine Men and 2 Chieftains. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2024 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Members were awarded:

  • 240 Eagle Scout Coups
  • 91 Religious Award Coups
  • 107 Den Chief Coups.

Before the Brave and Warrior ceremonies 252 Coup of the Long Trail were presented to Tribesmen from 86 different Troops and during the summer 302 younger members returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

Of special note, Michael Merriman was elevated to Chieftain 4th session and Chief Quiet Standing Rock, Brick Huffman, presented Jim Hayes Chieftain Fast Running Silver Fox with the highest honor awarded in Micosay, the 65th set of Silver Coup 5th session.

The training team was busy in 2024 with 31 members attending New Sachem Orientation, 44 completing their New Sachem Cards, and 133 attending Tribal Council Training. The Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions continued this year and continued to receive many positive comments.

I want to thank the Blue Elk Records Center staff, the Great Hall and Blue Elk Lodge Commissioners, and the roughly 900 other staff and Commissioners that helped get out the calls, contribute to ceremonies, and keep our facilities top notch!

2023 Year in Review

Tom Holley

Recording Medicine Man Black Shirt

Our 2023 camping season started on June 9-10-11 with the Tribal Celebration. At the Chieftain’s ceremony on Saturday evening, June 10, Scott Boswell, Chieftain Trusted Eagle was named as the Presiding Chieftain. Also, that night there were 31 Sachems, 18 Keepers of the Wampum, and 10 Sagamores.

During the five sessions of camp the Blue Elk Records Center sent out the call for 550 new Foxmen who proudly hung a medicine stick around their neck. Next came the 490 campers who became tribesmen as new Braves. Then 507 Braves returned to complete their journey to wear the double claws of a Warrior.

One hundred eighty-four men completed the program to become Honorary Warriors in the tribe. One hundred two women also entered the tribe as Honored Women. Eight of those new Honorary Warriors had earlier entered the tribe as Braves and finally returned to the Reservation to complete their journey to Warrior. The Honorary Warriors, Honored Women, and new Braves gave us 776 new tribesmen. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 364 Firebuilders, 208 Tom-Tom Beaters, 163 Runners, 87 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 70 Shamans.

With the Tribal Council staff elevations, the elevations of those who could not attend Tribal Celebration and those from Tribal Celebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2023 was 51 Sachems, 19 Keepers of the Wampum, 10 Sagamores, and 1 Chieftain. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2023 Tribal Council Elevations page.

During this summer’s 5th session, Brick Huffman (Chief Quiet Standing Rock) presented a pair of Silver Coups to Barry Slotnick (Medicine Man Little White Jacket) The Silver Coup is the highest honor given in Micosay and this is only the 64th set that has been awarded in the history of the tribe.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Members were awarded:

  • 263 Eagle Scout Coups
  • 88 Religious Award Coups
  • 84 Den Chief Coups.

Before the Brave and Warrior ceremonies 230 Coup of the Long Trail were presented to Tribesmen from 75 different Troops and during the summer 308 younger members returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2023 with 53 members attending New Sachem Orientation and 162 attending Tribal Council Training. The Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions continued this year These sessions were well attended and continued to receive many positive comments.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making 2023 another successful year for Micosay. I want to also say thank you to the Blue Elk Records Center staff, the Great Hall and Blue Elk Lodge Commissioners, and all others that helped get out the calls and kept our facilities top notch!

2022 Year in Review

Tom Holley

Recording Medicine Man Black Shirt

We started our 2022 camping season on June 10 with the Tribal Celebration. Saturday evening at the Chieftain’s Ceremony, Zachary Shafran, Chieftain Silent Fighting Copperhead, was named as the Presiding Chieftain. Also, that night there were 35 Sachems, 18 Keepers of the Wampum, and 9 Sagamores.

During the four sessions of camp the Blue Elk Records Center sent out the call for 488 new Foxmen who proudly hung a medicine stick around their neck for the first time. Next came the 609 who became tribesmen as new Braves. Five hundred forty-eight Braves returned to complete their journey to wear the double claws of a Warrior.

Two hundred thirty-four men completed the program to become Honorary Warriors in the tribe. One hundred twenty-nine women also entered the tribe as Honored Women. Nine of those new Honorary Warriors and Honored Women had earlier entered the tribe as Braves and finally returned to the Reservation to complete their journey to Warrior. The Honorary Warriors, Honored Women, and new Braves gave us 972 new tribesmen. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 336 Firebuilders, 245 Tom-Tom Beaters, 141 Runners, 100 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 53 Shamans.

With the Tribal Council staff elevations, the elevations of those who could not attend Celebration and those from Celebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2022 was 63 Sachems, 19 Keepers of the Wampum, 9 Sagamores, and 1 Chieftain. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2022 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Members were awarded:

  • 276 Eagle Scout Coups
  • 108 Religious Award Coups
  • 121 Den Chief Coups.

Before the Brave and Warrior ceremonies 209 Coup of the Long Trail were presented to Tribesmen from 66 different Troops and during the summer 286 younger members returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2022 with 62 members attending New Sachem Orientation and 197 attending Tribal Council Training. The Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions continued this year These sessions were well attended and continued to receive many positive comments.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making 2022 another successful year for Micosay. I want to also say thank you to the Blue Elk Records Center staff, the Great Hall and Blue Elk Lodge Commissioners, and all others that helped me during the summer.

2021 Year in Review

Tom Holley

Recording Medicine Man Black Shirt

I believe everyone was grateful that the 2021 camping season was able to have a return to normal – even with our shortened 5th session! We were able to start off our camping season on June 12 with the Tribal Celebration and the much-awaited dedication of the beautiful new Blue Elk Records Center building. That evening at the Chieftain’s Ceremony, Nick Badgerow, Chieftain Jumping White Horse, was named as the Presiding Chieftain. Also, that night there were 26 Sachems, 22 Keepers of the Wampum, 4 Sagamores, and 3 Medicine Men elevated.

During the five sessions of camp the Blue Elk Records Center sent out the call for 593 new Foxmen who proudly hung a medicine stick around their neck for the first time. Next came the 645 who became tribesmen as new Braves. Five hundred fifty Braves returned to complete their journey to wear the double claws of a Warrior.

Two hundred five men completed the program to become Honorary Warriors in the tribe. Of that number, 6 had earlier entered the tribe as Braves and finally returned to the Reservation to complete their journey to Warrior. Ninety-two women also entered the tribe as Honored Women. The Honorary Warriors, Honored Women, and new Braves gave us 942 new tribesmen. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 375 Firebuilders, 244 Tom-Tom Beaters, 153 Runners, 78 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 59 Shamans.

With the Tribal Council staff elevations, the elevations of those who could not attend Tribal Celebration and those from Tribal Celebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2019 was 41 Sachems, 26 Keepers of the Wampum, 5 Sagamores, 3 Medicine Men, and 1 Chieftain. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2021 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Members were awarded 280 Eagle Scout Coups, 110 Religious Award Coups and 88 Den Chief Coups. 195 Coup of the Long Trail were presented before Brave and Warrior ceremonies and 393 younger members returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2021 with 52 members attending New Sachem Orientation and 136 attending Tribal Council Training. The Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions resumed this year These sessions were well attended and continued to receive many positive comments.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making 2021 another successful year for Micosay. I want to also say thank you to the Blue Elk Records Center staff and all that helped me during my first summer as Recording Medicine Man.

2020 Year in Review

Lester Ham

Directing Medicine Man Four Shields

A Historic Summer

When we hear the words Social Distancing the thoughts of spreading out come first. Then the reality of those words sink in and the realizations of just how differently the Micosay journey would look while adapting to those standards. 

The cancellation of Tribal Celebration led us to a summer without naming a Presiding Chieftain. There will always be an asterisk in our list of celebrations and Presiding Chieftains reminding us of the pandemic. Starting camp in July threw the summer schedules of most of us into a confusing season. Somewhere, I lost a month of summer.

Our new camp would only hold seven days of activities and required many modifications. Campsites became the new hub of activity as the dining halls sat quiet. On the second night of camp, Call Night would be conducted in small groups of campsites spread out through each camp. Troop leaders would decorate newly called Foxmen. Called Braves would be led away from the campsite for instructions and Called Warriors made their way back to their watch fires. Day three started with a day of service.

Tribal Council meetings were held at the Catholic Chapel, as there were too many Tribal Council members to fit into the Great Hall. Resolutions were conducted in SheSheBe and Lone Bear to accommodate the required distancing. The unfinished Blue Elk Lodge was christened on rainy Resolution Nights. During most sessions, two ceremonies were conducted each night, back-to-back, allowing supporters to attend. New Braves and Warriors were escorted from Lone Bear Council Ring back to their campsites, where celebrations occurred. Quickly five sessions were complete, but Micosay was not done. 

The Lone Bear Spirit Council supported two special weekend programs during September, specifically for the troops and individuals impacted by the pandemic. An additional 300 + new Braves and Warriors participated in these busy weekends. Supported by a large staff of 150 Tribesmen each weekend. The historic season continued into October at the Theodore Naish Scout Reservation, an afternoon ceremony naming new Foxmen and recognizing Tribesmen with additional paint responsibility. 

Even though it was a different summer, the program remained the same. There were no shortcuts afforded to the young men and women entering the program and we are strengthened from the experience. 

Today is a good day to reflect on our program and know it survives regardless of the challenges we experience on our journey.

Tom Holley

Tribal Recorder Sagamore Black Shirt

The 2020 camping season had a late start this summer due to the Coronavirus pandemic. First session began July 5th. The summer started very differently without a Chieftain’s Ceremony, so the usual Tribal Council elevations were made during the camping sessions and there was no 2020 Presiding Chieftain named.

Following our regular camping season, we were very fortunate to be able to have two Micosay weekends at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation to call new Braves and Warriors, and an afternoon at Theodore Naish Reservation to call Scouts to be Foxmen and for Firebuilder, Tom Tom Beater, Runner, Keeper of the Sacred Bundle, and Shaman paint elevations.

During the five sessions of camp and the calls after the regular camping season, the Blue Elk Records Center sent forth the calls for 835 new members; this included five Bartle Braves who participated in the Honorary Warrior program to complete their journey to Warrior in the Tribe. Calls were made for 596 Foxmen, 597 Braves, 513 Warriors, 148 Honorary Warriors and 90 Honored Women. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 409 Firebuilders, 240 Tom-Tom Beaters, 115 Runners, 90 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 73 Shamans.

Tribal Council elevations for 2020 were 43 Sachems, 20 Keepers of the Wampum, 4 Sagamores, and 2 Medicine Men.  An additional 6 Tribesmen were selected to be called for Sachem, 6 Tribesmen selected for Keeper of the Wampum, and 1 selected for Sagamore, but they were unable to attend camp this summer to receive the call due to health protocols.  They will receive the call during the 2021 camping season.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Members were awarded 147 Eagle Scout Coups, 64 Religious Award Coups 66 Den Chief Coups. And 254 Coup of the Long Trail were presented before Brave and Warrior ceremonies.  One hundred seventy five younger members returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

Despite social distancing eliminating the traditional Tribal Council training each session, the training team trained 20 for New Sachem Orientation and 84 for Tribal Council Refresher Training.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making 2020 another successful year for Micosay. I want to also say thank you to the Blue Elk Records Center staff and all that helped during this challenging year of uncertainty.

2019 Year in Review

David Woodman

Presiding Chieftain Painted Elk


As anyone who has spent much time at Bartle knows, the place grabs a special hold on our hearts and stays there, forever pulling on us to return. So, it was for me this past summer. It was a very different experience for me as I had never before been your Presiding Chieftain. We all love Micosay and its rich traditions, but just as with any other institution, there is always an opportunity for progress and change. The 2019 camping season saw great progress in the construction of our new Blue Elk Record Center as well as improvements in the lighting and sound system in Lone Bear. Of great significance is the program under development for the inclusion of young ladies in our program. Much credit goes to our Directing Medicine Man, Lester Ham, Kim Hein and the Piercing Arrow staff for the success of the 5th session Call Night.

So, here we go! Let's see where we can take Micosay in 2020 and beyond. There will be challenges but together we can weather the storm and keep Micosay pointed in the right direction. I ask for your support to volunteer, donate and serve where you can.

Ya Ta Hey

Tom Holley

Tribal Recorder Sagamore Black Shirt

The 2019 camping season began May 31st with the Tribal Celebration. The Chieftain Ceremony began with the elevation of 36 Sachems, 14 Keepers of the Wampum, 5 Sagamores, and 2 Medicine Men. The evening closed with the elevation of Senior Medicine Man Painted Elk, David Woodman, to Presiding Chieftain.

During the five sessions of camp, the Blue Elk Records Center sent forth the calls for 1033 new members; this included nine Bartle Braves who participated in the Honorary Warrior program to complete their journey to Warrior in the Tribe. Calls were made for 712 Foxmen, 691 Braves, 644 Warriors, 223 Honorary Warriors and 119 Honored Women. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 397 Firebuilders, 243 Tom-Tom Beaters, 148 Runners, 95 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 63 Shamans.

During fourth session, Sachem Guiding Hand, John Hunkeler, was elevated to Honorary Chieftain. Also during the 4th session Warrior Ceremony, Richard Ledgerwood, Sagamore Swift Quiet Hunter, was awarded the Silver Coup for his years of service to Scouting and the Tribe.

At the fifth session Brave Ceremony, Reservation Director David Riker was named Presiding Medicine Man Powerful Swift Flying Squirrel.

With the Tribal Council staff elevations, the elevations of those who could not attend Tribal Celebration and those from Tribal Celebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2019 was 63 Sachems, 20 Keepers of the Wampum, 6 Sagamores, 3 Medicine Men, and 2 Chieftains. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2019 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Members were awarded 271 Eagle Scout Coups, 103 Religious Award Coups and 115 Den Chief Coups. One hundred fifty four Coup of the Long Trail were presented before Brave and Warrior ceremonies and 413 younger members returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2019 with 59 members attending New Sachem Orientation and 142 attending Tribal Council Training. The Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions was expanded; these sessions were well attended and continued to receive many positive comments.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making 2019 another successful year for Micosay. I want to also say thank you to the Blue Elk Records Center staff and all that helped me during my first year as Tribal Recorder.

2018 Year in Review

Dick Brown

Recording Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear

The 2018 camping season began June 1st with the Tribal Celebration. The Chieftain Ceremony began with the elevation of 27 Sachems, 12 Keepers of the Wampum, and 6 Sagamores. The evening closed with the elevation of Sagamore Cedar Sunset, David Chinnery, to Presiding Chieftain.

During the five sessions of camp, the Blue Elk Records Center sent forth the calls for 1116 new Tribesmen; this included eleven Bartle Braves who participated in the Honorary Warrior program to complete their journey to Warrior in the Tribe. Calls were made for 742 Foxmen, 759 Braves, 673 Warriors, 251 Honorary Warriors and 106 Honored Women. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 433 Firebuilders, 260 Tom-Tom Beaters, 149 Runners, 89 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 44 Shamans.

During fourth session, Sachem Little Black Cloud, Hugh Libby, was elevated to Honorary Chieftain. At 5th session Warrior Ceremony, the new Heart of America Council Scout Executive, Brick Huffman, was elevated from Sachem to Chief Quiet Standing Rock of the Tribe of Micosay. Brick became the first full rainbow Chief of the Tribe.

With the Tribal Council staff elevations, the 7 elevations of those who could not attend Tribal Celebration and those from Tribal Celebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2018 was 47 Sachems, 16 Keepers of the Wampum, 8 Sagamores, 2 Chieftains and 1 Chief. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2018 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Tribesmen were awarded 251 Eagle Scout Coups, 98 Religious Award Coups and 106 Den Chief Coups. Two hundred eighty-nine Coup of the Long Trail were presented before Brave and Warrior ceremonies and 407 young Tribesmen returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2018 with 46 Tribesmen attending New Sachem Orientation and 103 attending Tribal Council Training. The Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions was expanded; these sessions were well attended and continued to receive many positive comments

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making 2018 another successful year for the Tribe of Micosay. As I conclude my tenure as Recording Medicine Man and 25 years of camp staff, I would like to thank everyone for their cooperation, service to the Tribe and Scouting and the memories that I will take with me.

2017 Year in Review

Lester Ham

Directing Medicine Man Four Shields

Micosay had a strong and good summer. The Ceremonies went well and were supported by great speakers and dedicated men of paint. The modifications to ceremonies were slight and largely mechanical. The Lone Bear Spirit Council’s changes to eligibility requirements gave opportunity to many for consideration through SheSheBe Council. The Tribe enhanced the presentation of the Eagle, Religious and Den Chief Coups. Each coup was presented at the Troop campfire and all coup recipients were recognized the following morning.

Most amazing were the new Warriors. The next time you walk into Lone Bear Council Ring you will certainly notice the terracing constructed over the course of this summer. The Called Warriors built walls and leveled several areas that had been untouched since the completion of our council ring. Their day of service will last for decades and next spring it will be a beautiful setting with grass, trees and decorations complementing our wonderful ceremonial ridge.

The summer also led to much work being accomplished by the Tribal Council and SheSheBe Council. Their tireless dedication to the Micosay program is certainly admirable. Many hours were spent learning, listening and helping young men build a framework to last a lifetime. A special acknowledgment of success to our Micosay Advisors: Ed Gooseman, Chuck Scott and Dave Woodman; and the Blue Elk staff, led by Dick Brown. Many volunteers taking leadership roles, in a number of areas, complemented the Tribe. Jim Peavey, Jim Todd, Scott Smith and Aaron Guest are valuable contributors to our program. A special thank you for those that understand and embrace servant leadership. This is what makes Micosay special.

We look forward to seeing each of you in 2018.

Dick Brown

Recording Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear

The 2017 camping season began June 2nd with the Tribal Celebration. The Chieftain Ceremony began with the elevation of 32 Sachems, 17 Keepers of the Wampum, and 8 Sagamores. The Silver Coup was presented to dedicated Tribesmen David Frantze and Larry Overfield.  The evening closed with the elevation of Sachem Majestic Moose of Many Travels, Marc Elkins, to Presiding Chieftain.

During the six sessions of camp, the Blue Elk Records Center sent forth the calls for 1138 new Tribesmen. This included seven Bartle Braves and one Geiger Brave who participated in the Honorary program to complete their journey to Warrior in the Tribe. Calls were made for 783 Foxmen, 779 Braves, 718 Warriors, 263 Honorary Warriors and 96 Honored Women. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 444 Firebuilders, 285 Tom-Tom Beaters, 153 Runners, 67 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 68 Shaman. With the Tribal Council elevations of staff and dedicated Scouters throughout the summer, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2017 was 46 Sachems, 19 Keepers of the Wampum, 9 Sagamores, and 1 Chieftain. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at night two campfires in each campsite. Tribesmen were awarded 304 Eagle Scout Coups, 124 Religious Award Coups and 126 Den Chief Coups. Two hundred eighty-eight Coup of the Long Trail were presented before Brave and Warrior ceremonies.  Three hundred and seventy-eight young Tribesmen returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to make their Coveted Coup feather and receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2017 with 44 Tribesmen attending New Sachem Orientation and 236 attending Tribal Council Refresher Training. A new version of the Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions was implemented; it was well attended and received many positive comments.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who helped make 2017 another successful year for the Tribe of Micosay.

2016 Year in Review

Lester Ham

Directing Medicine Man Four Shields

Eighty Thousand. That is a lot of anything. Do you think this number would surprise the founders of Micosay? H. Roe Bartle knew he had created something unique and special amongst Scouters. During the last eighty-seven years there were significant challenges that Micosay survived and gained strength as a result. Can you image the turmoil when H.Roe Bartle “Chief” stepped down as Scout Executive to become Mayor of Kansas City? Everyone wondered if Micosay was strong enough to survive. Think of the gloom and wonder in 1973 when the Chief died. Certainly, Micosay would collapse without its leader. That was a difficult time; the Tribe grew.

The Tribe grew to eighty thousand members during fifth session of 2016. We have grown from a few rows of logs in a council ring out in the woods to an amphitheater that holds well over a thousand members. We have grown from a notebook to record tribesmen, to a sophisticated database to manage our program. We have grown in our conviction to uphold those ideas important to each Tribesman. Although our membership is now over 80,000 the strength of the program is the relationships we build and the commonality that is shared by all. It has indeed been a good Micosay Summer.

Dick Brown

Recording Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear

During the 5th session of the 2016 H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation summer camp, a new Brave from Camp Sawmill became number 80,000 in the Tribe of Micosay. Number 75,000 was reached 6th session 2012. The final number for the summer was 80,271. Another highlight for the Tribe occurred 2nd session as the new Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America, Mike Surbaugh, visited Bartle and was named a Honorary Chieftain in the Tribe. He chose Iron Mountain Wolf for his name. He had many positive comments about the Reservation and the Micosay program.

The 2016 camping season began May 20 and 21 with the Tribal Celebration. The Chieftain Ceremony began with the elevation of 25 Sachems, 5 Keepers of the Wampum, 3 Sagamores and 1 Medicine Man. The evening closed with the elevation of Medicine Man Fast Running Silver Fox, Jim Hayes, to Presiding Chieftain.

During the six sessions of camp, the Blue Elk Records Center sent forth the calls for 1252 new Tribesmen. This included six Bartle Braves and 3 Geiger Braves who participated in the Honorary program to complete their journey to Warrior in the Tribe. Calls were made for 844 Foxmen, 826 Braves, 758 Warriors, 304 Honorary Warriors and 122 Honored Women. Additional calls were made in Lone Bear Council Ring for 458 Firebuilders, 275 Tom-Tom Beaters, 138 Runners, 92 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 47 Shaman. With the Tribal Council elevations of staff throughout the summer plus Tribal Cerebration, the total Tribal Council elevations for 2016 was 42 Sachems, 6 Keepers of the Wampum, 3 Sagamores, 1 Medicine Man and 2 Chieftains. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2016 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Coups were awarded at opening night campfires in each camp. Tribesmen were awarded 296 Eagle Scout Coups, 116 Religious Award Coups and 122 Den Chief Coups. Three hundred fifty-three Coup of the Long Trail were presented before Brave and Warrior ceremonies and 448 young Tribesmen returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a Warrior to receive their first pair of Coveted Coup.

The training team was busy in 2016 with 52 Tribesmen attending New Sachem Orientation and 180 attending Tribal Council Refresher Training. A new version of the Tribal Council Reflections after Brave Resolutions was implemented, was well attended and received many positive comments.

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who made 2016 another successful year for the Tribe of Micosay.

2015 Year In Review

Lester Ham

Directing Medicine Man Four Shields

Greetings! What a great summer at the H. Roe Bartle Reservation. I witnessed many events and moments that were truly inspiring. One of the events lasted all six sessions and could be described as one of the seven wonders of our Reservation. New to that list would be the addition of a third level to SheSheBe Council Ring. Called Warriors from each session contributed to the construction of the expansion. They were guided by a special group of Tribesmen throughout the summer. The Warrior Work Crew Leaders have led many significant projects over the last thirteen summers and the strong message they provide working side by side with young men is significant. The ultimate goal of this project was to create an opportunity for a more meaningful experience for Braves, Warriors, Honorary Warriors and Honored Women by adding space between the stations, not more stations. This goal was achieved and a big Thank you to all the Called Warriors and Warrior Work Crew Leaders.

The summer was full of rich experiences. How meaningful it was when the Called Honorary Warrior, Brigadier General Paul W. Tibbets, greeted each new recipient of the Military Coup. It was a very special moment in our Tribe’s rich history. Other rich moments include watching the Shaman and young Tribal Council members deliver the important stories told in Lone Bear Council Ring. The stories were delivered in a different format and provided additional explanation for each part of our ceremony. Call Nights also garnered additional attention this year. The Camp Staff worked hard in each camp to provide a high level of energy and excitement each session. There are many great people that contributed to the success of the summer; The Warrior Work Crew Leaders, the Micosay Advisors and Leadership, Camp Leadership, Blue Elk Lodge Staff and MOS Counselors, Ceremonial Lighting and Sound Crew, SheSheBe and Reflections Leadership, MOS Grounds Crew, The Tribal Celebration Team…..and the list goes on and on. The results of the summer were the combined efforts of many dedicated Tribesmen and their strong belief in the lifelong benefits of our program. Thank you!

It was indeed a good year and we look forward to continuing the strong traditions in the next camping season.

Dick Brown

Recording Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear

This summer was another exciting camping season for the Tribe and the Blue Elk Records staff as we welcomed 1,316 new tribesmen.  There were 909 young men earn the single claw and pouch of a Brave while 787 Braves earned the double claws of a mighty Warrior.  Three hundred and one men and 106 women went through the Honorary Warrior and Honored Women program. Nine of these men were Braves who returned to Bartle to complete their journey to Warrior.  During the sixth session, a new Brave received the tribal number 79,000.

Paint elevations included 461 Firebuilders, 226 Tom Tom Beaters, 149 Runners, 66 Keepers of the Sacred Bundles, 66 Shamans, 45 Sachems, 10 Keepers of the Wampum, 3 Sagamores, 3 Medicine Men and 1 Chieftain. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2015 Tribal Council Elevations page.

During the Chieftain Ceremony at the Tribal Celebration, Gary Cover was elevated to Presiding Chieftain Lone Towering Pine and Scott Smith (Keeper of the Wampum Son of Spirit Fire) was presented the Silver Coups for his outstanding service to the Tribe.

This year saw Tribesmen receive 314 Eagle Coups, 180 Religious Coups and 309 Coup of the Long Trail. The Den Chief Coup was awarded for the first time in 2014 and 120 Tribesmen received this recognition for working with a Cub or Webelos Den for one program year. Additionally, 445 Warriors under the age of 18 returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a hardway warrior and received their First Coveted Coup. Congratulations to everyone for helping make 2015 a successful year.

2014 Year in Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

“My work is done”, so goes the opening line of the Song of Micosay. How appropriate that is for me as I end my service as your Directing Medicine Man and the Lone Star Advisor. It has been a challenging but rewarding eleven years. I have been challenged to the best of me and can only hope that you have not found me wanting.

As I reflect back on those years, I remember the Called Brave and Warrior work days where so much was accomplished. I remember the ceremonies where the Warriors danced, and the Called Braves exhibited their determination to become Tribesmen of Micosay. I remember the wonderful and loyal friends I had the chance to associate with. They are wonderful memories and I depart knowing that I was strengthened by my Eagle Claws.

I would ask that the 2014 Braves set aside either the last Saturday in January or the last Saturday in February and plan to attend one of the meetings held especially for them. The meetings begin at 9 a.m. and will conclude by noon. You will be able to receive assistance with your Warrior attire as well as reviewing your Resolutions.

Always keep your Resolutions in your heart and your mind. Know that from SheSheBe the world looks much smaller, and you can better understand your potential. The Tribe will bring out the best in you if you give it the opportunity.

I am privileged to have served you and want to offer all of you my thanks for your support and friendship. This summer went by all too rapidly. I charge you to always keep your minds and hearts open and always let your life reflect the values of a true Tribesman.

Dick Brown

Recording Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear

The 2014 camping season continued the transition to the new database as more features were added that allowed more information to be captured and reported. Many Tribesmen updated their personal information by email, online through the Micosay website or visiting Blue Elk Records Center in person. The goal of the Blue Elk staff is to collect current addresses, birth dates, current troop numbers, phone numbers and email addresses. This will ensure the correct identity of Tribesmen as well as improve the mailing of the Cedar Smoke. The staff also wants to record and recognize the passing of all Tribesmen. If you are aware of the passing of any Tribesmen, either recently or in the past that may not have been reported, please send the name and date of death as well as any other information that would help correctly identify the correct Tribesmen to the Recording Medicine Man at recmedman@gmail.com.

This summer 983 Scouts were called as Foxmen and began the trail that will lead them to being called as Braves in the Tribe of Micosay. This was the largest number of Foxmen since 2006. There were 910 young men called to be Braves this year; this number represents the most since 2004. Another 749 braves returned to Bartle to become Hardway Warriors. This was the largest number of warriors since 2008. Although these numbers are a good sign, the Tribe must continue to encourage Scouts to attend Bartle and Cubs to move on to Boy Scouts.

Three hundred and twenty-five men and 92 women went through the Honorary Warrior and Honored Women program. Eleven of the men were Braves who returned to Bartle to complete their journey to Warrior. The numbers for 2014 made 1316 new Tribesmen at Bartle which is the highest number since 2007.

Paint elevations included 371 Firebuilders, 245 Tom Tom Beaters, 119 Runners, 90 Keepers of the Sacred Bundles, 41 Shamans, 41 Sachems, 9 Keepers of the Wampum, 4 Sagamores, 3 Medicine Men and 1 Chieftain. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the Tribal Council Elevations page.

Bill Esry was elevated to Presiding Chieftain Little Brother Speeding Spear at the Chieftains Ceremony during the Tribal Celebration.

This year saw Tribesmen receive 257 Eagle Coups, 161 Religious Coups and 420 Coup of the Long Trail. The Den Chief Coup was awarded for the first time in 2014 and 78 Tribesmen received this recognition for working with a Cub or Webelos Den for one program year. Additionally, 393 Warriors under the age of 18 returned to the Reservation for the first time since becoming a hardway warrior and received their First Coveted Coup. Congratulations to everyone for helping make 2014 a successful year.

2013 Year in Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

The ceremonial smoke has lifted, and the embers of our fires of friendship and warmth have cooled. Autumn is upon us, marking the beginning of a new school year and a new year of Scouting. Many opportunities will open up to all Tribesmen to fulfill their heart’s resolutions. Be alert to recognize those opportunities and quick to act upon them.

As I look back on the past summer I am filled with many good and happy memories; the fourth session Warriors who worked so hard to present the “Dance of Joy” in a manner never before seen; the many work projects completed by the Called Braves and Called Warriors and the overall outstanding performances by those groups.

Never to be overlooked was the hard work of the camp staff in their presentations on the paint trail and the point. Their work is significant and appreciated by all who traveled that trail. Accolades also go out to the Firebuilders, Tom-Tom Beaters and Runners who contributed so much to the overall program.

Looking ahead, we will again be offering meetings for our new Braves and their parents. The dates have been set: January 25 and February 22. The January 25 meeting will be held at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Lee’s Summit. The hours will be from 9am to 1pm. We are still finalizing a location for the February 22 meeting.

Let me say that one of the things I am most proud of in my life is my Micosay involvement. The program of the Tribe allows time for the young men involved to explore the vastness of their own capabilities. From the Point, Tribesmen can see the world and themselves as they never have before. I am privileged to have served as your Directing Medicine Man and Lone Star Advisor. The summer went by all to rapidly. I offer my thanks to all of you for making this summer so memorable. I look forward to another.

Finally, to Dave’s Boys, you were very special.

Dick Brown

Recording Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear

The 2013 camping season saw the beginning of the Micosay transition from the old Access database to a new database with greater potential for the Tribe's records. It was put to the test with another year of encouraging numbers as shown below.

The largest group was the 947 Foxmen who proudly hung a medicine stick around their neck for the first time. Next came the 880 who became tribesmen as new Braves. Six hundred sixty-one Braves returned to complete their journey to wear the double claws of a Warrior.

Three hundred thirty-two men completed the program to become Honorary Warriors in the tribe. Of that number, 11 had earlier entered the tribe as Braves and finally returned to the Reservation to complete their journey to Warrior. Seventy-one women also entered the tribe as Honored Women. The Honorary Warriors, Honored Women, and new Braves gave us 1272 new tribesmen.

Paint advancements included 404 Firebuilders, 220 Tom Tom Beaters, 148 Runners, 53 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 54 Shamans. In the Tribal Council, 34 became Sachems, 9 Keepers of the Wampum, 4 Sagamores, and 3 Medicine Men. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the 2013 Tribal Council Elevations page.

Casey Halsey was elevated to Presiding Chieftain Quaking Cottonwood at the Chieftains Ceremony during the Tribal Celebration.

Four hundred and nine young Warriors under the age of 18 returned to the Bartle Scout Reservation for their sixth year of camping to receive their first pair of Coveted Coup. This is an impressive number that explains why the Heart of America Council is one of the top councils in the retention of campers.

2012 Year In Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

The council fires have turned to ash and the ceremonial drums are silent. Once again, it is the end of a camping season and the end of Tribal activities for 2012.

As I look back, I continue to be impressed with the quality of the new Braves. Their understanding of the Tribe and their personal qualities give me much hope for our future. I also witnessed the same qualities in many of our new Honorary Warriors and Honored Women. Many of them expressed strong emotions after their induction.

Another highlight of the summer was the induction of the new Chief Scout Executive, Wayne Brock. A special ceremony was held during the day which concluded as he was named a Honorary Warrior. Later that same day, he was named a Honorary Chieftain of our Tribe. Special thanks go out to all the Tribesman who assisted in those ceremonies.

Also of note was the retirement of our Recording Medicine Man, Merlyn Grubb. For more than 20 years Merlyn served the Tribe and the Bartle Scout Reservation in an exemplary manner. We wish for him much happiness as he enjoys some free time.

Already plans are taking shape for the 2013 season. I look forward to your encouragement and participation. Have a great Scouting year and I anticipate greeting you once again on our Micosay Reservation.

Merlyn ​Grubb

Recording Medicine Man Deep Flowing River

The 2012 camping season had good numbers except for the three-digit temperatures that we had much of the summer.

The largest group was the 906 Foxmen who proudly hung a medicine stick around their neck for the first time. Next came the 781 who became tribesmen as new Braves. Six hundred sixty-three Braves returned to complete their journey to the double claws of a Warrior.

Three hundred fifty-seven men completed the program to become Honorary Warriors in the tribe. Of those 11 had earlier entered the tribe as Braves and so will wear their claws hardway. Eighty-eight women also entered the tribe as Honored Women. The Honorary Warriors, Honored Women, and new Braves gave us 1215 new tribesmen. (For those of you adding the numbers remember that 11 of the Honorary Warriors were already tribesmen.)

Paint advancements included 394 Firebuilders, 235 Tom Tom Beaters, 95 Runners, 64 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 48 Shamans. In the Tribal Council, 34 became Sachems, 8 Keepers of the Wampum, 4 Sagamores, and 1 Medicine Man. The list of Tribal Council elevations can be found on the Tribal Council Elevations page.

David Frantze was elevated to Presiding Chieftain Silver Blue River at the Chieftains Ceremony during the Tribal Celebration. Wayne Brock, Chief Scout Executive, was named Honorary Chieftain Eagle From The Croatan at Warrior Ceremony during fifth session.

428 young tribesmen returned to the Bartle Scout Reservation for their sixth year of camping to receive their first pair of Coveted Coup. This is an impressive number.

A milestone for the Tribe was observed during sixth session, when a new Brave received 75,000 as his tribal number.

2011 Year In Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

The 2011 camping season is memorable and not just for the excessive heat. The report from the Recording Medicine Man will no doubt include the numbers of new Tribesmen. I wish to report on their excellent attitudes and their understanding of what our Tribe of Micosay stands for. In my experience, I would rate the new Braves and the new Honoraries as outstanding. Truly the Tribe can look forward to their leadership in the years to come.

For those Tribesmen who were unable to come to camp this year there were a number of changes. One of those was the later starting time for ceremonies. We now begin our activities at 8:30 in Lone Bear. There were some minor changes in pre-ceremony activities on the Point for the Called Braves and a slight change in Brave Ceremony. The important lessons were strengthened with these changes. A new "Customs and Traditions" book was printed and a new handbook for new Braves was produced.

Recording Medicine Man Merlyn Grubb reports that 1,227 new members joined our Tribe in 2011. We welcomed 801 new Braves, 349 new Honorary Warriors and 77 Honored Women. We also recognized 855 Scouts as Foxmen and hope to see them return next summer to become Tribesmen.

Seven hundred and seven Braves took their next step by advancing to the rank of Warrior. A total of 851 young Tribesmen added new paint to their claws - 412 Firebuilders, 186 Tom-Tom Beaters, 140 Runners, 72 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 41 Shaman. Additionally, 60 Tribesmen received Tribal Council elevations.

The Silver Coup, also known as the Chiefs coup, was awarded to a dedicated Tribesman for special merit and outstanding service to the Tribe of Micosay. Chief Strong Spirit (Kenn Miller) presented the Silver Coup to David Allen (Chieftain Laughing Cedar).

I am privileged to have served as your Directing Medicine Man and also as the Advisor in Lone Star. It continues to be a very special experience. I look forward to greeting you next summer on our beloved reservation.

2010 Year In Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

Once again, we make the transition from the sessions at Bartle to the weekly Troop meetings and the monthly overnights. The influence of Micosay and the summer's ceremonies will help to make the Scouting program more effective and productive. The "Tribe" is a major contributor to the success of the Heart of America Council.

Those who were able to attend summer ceremonies would have noted the changes in the lighting program. Thanks to the generosity of Tribesmen, we are now able to adjust the lights via computer giving us much more control than was previously possible. Another addition was the "black light" used at closing. We hope to continue this part of our ceremony. Another addition to Lone Bear was the placement of the bear at the South entrance. This is helping to complete that part of our ceremonial grounds. It is our intent to add some plantings in this area of the ring as well.

Recording Medicine Man Merlyn Grubb reports that 1,302 new members joined our Tribe in 2010. We welcomed 872 new Braves, 357 new Honorary Warriors and 73 Honored Women. We also recognized 867 Scouts as Foxmen and hope to see them return next summer to become Tribesmen.

Seven hundred and twelve Braves took their next step by advancing to the rank of Warrior. A total of 892 young Tribesmen added new paint to their claws - 381 Firebuilders, 272 Tom-Tom Beaters, 133 Runners, 64 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 42 Shaman. Additionally, 71 Tribesmen received Tribal Council elevations.

The Silver Coup, also known as the Chiefs coup, was awarded to two dedicated Tribesmen for special merit and outstanding service to the Tribe of Micosay. Chief Faithful Eagle (Tim Bugg) presented the Silver Coup to Dick Brown (Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear) and Terry Miller (Chieftain Least Painted Ground).

Many, many people contributed to our program's success this past summer. All of the adult Tribesmen who come down to lead the Warrior work days help to make that a meaningful experience. Special thanks go to Vince Barreto who led that group. Also, a hearty thank you to Adam Morton and Adam Howell who operated the lights and sound equipment. The Micosay program would not function as smoothly as it does without the oversight of Medicine Man Cranky Brown Bear, Dick Brown. He is always to be found double checking to make sure the ceremony goes as planned. Accolades also go to Shannon Johnson who spent many late hours programming the lights and troubleshooting when things did not work as we had hoped. Mic Finn and Ed Gooseman did outstanding work as the MOS Advisors in Sawmill and Piercing Arrow. Please, all of the above, accept my appreciation and gratitude for your many contributions to the youth of our council.

I am privileged to have served as your Directing Medicine Man and also as the Advisor in Lone Star. It continues to be a very special experience. I look forward to greeting you next summer on our beloved reservation.

2009 Year in Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

YaTa Hey,

Once again it is my pleasure to greet you.  Looking back on the summer it becomes evident that many good things happened in our Micosay program.

We were able to utilize our magnificent new Lone Bear Council Ring for all ceremonies.  With the assistance of Ron Davis and Harvest Productions, the lighting scheme was improved.  It is our hope to do even more creative things with our lights in ceremony next year.

Throughout the summer our Presiding Chieftain, Chieftain Least Painted Ground (Terry Miller), continued to inspire us with his messages at the end of each ceremony.  We look forward to his continuing leadership.

A highlight of the summer was the elevation of Bruce Reed, Senior Medicine Man Flying Red Flame, to the Council of Chieftains. His knowledge of the program and its operation at camp will be invaluable.

Recording Medicine Man Merlyn Grubb reports that 1,237 new members joined our Tribe in 2009.  We welcomed 848 new Braves, 316 new Honorary Warriors and 73 Honored Women. We also recognized 945 Scouts as Foxmen and hope to see them return next summer to become Tribesmen. 

Six Hundred and Fifty-Six Braves took their next step by advancing to the rank of Warrior.  A total of 927 young Tribesmen added new paint to their claws - 471 Firebuilders, 220 Tom-Tom Beaters, 106 Runners, 74 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle, and 56 Shaman.  Additionally, 71 Tribesmen received Tribal Council elevations

It was heartening to meet and greet many Tribesmen who were returning to the reservation after a long absence.  For those of you not able to return, you were missed.  Please make an effort to join with us in friendship and warmth during the next camping season.  Tribal traditions remain strong and the spirit of Micosay still lives in the hills and valleys of the mighty Osage.

It was a privilege to serve as Lone Star Micosay Advisor and your Directing Medicine Man.  Thanks to all who helped make the 2009 camping season successful.

To our new Braves, remember the lessons taught and I look forward to seeing all of you next summer.

2008 Year in Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

YaTa Hey,

It is with pleasure that I greet you in this season of the falling leaves.  As I look back on this summer and its many significant events, it is with a sense of pride. Pride in that Tribesmen, united together in purpose and Brotherhood, helped to fund and build our magnificent new Lone Bear Council Ring.

The 2008 camping season began with our annual Tribal Celebration.  It was an exciting weekend with many activities and the rekindling of friendships from years gone by. At that celebration, William LaHue (Chieftain Swift Flying Knife), was named the 79th Presiding Chieftain.

Record setting rains delayed construction efforts and for the first 5 ceremonies (Staff Warrior and Warrior and Brave Ceremonies for sessions one and two) the ceremonial drum sounded, and the fire was bright in Lone Star General Council Ring. Although space was at a premium, the general feeling was of intimate and meaningful ceremonies.

Third session saw us dedicating our new Lone Bear Council Ring with a special ceremony. At least 1,300 Tribesmen gathered to be a part of this historic and significant event. Also, this session, Bob Mazzuca (Chieftain Eagle From The West), the Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts became an Honorary Chieftain of our Tribe. I believe that he left our reservation with a new appreciation and understanding of our Tribe.

Recording Medicine Man Merlyn Grubb reports that 1224 new members joined our Tribe in 2008. Of these, 790 were new Braves, 348 new Honorary Warriors, and 86 Honored Women. We also recognized 930 Scouts as Foxmen and hope to see them return next year to become tribesmen.

Seven hundred fifty-two Braves took their next step by advancing to the rank of Warrior. A total of 875 young Tribesmen added new paint their claws – 404 Firebuilders, 216 Tom Tom Beaters, 136 Runners, 78 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle and 41 Shamans.

Throughout the summer, Sixty-two Tribesmen received Tribal Council elevations.

For those of you not able to return to our reservation this summer, you were missed.  Do not let another summer pass without making a visit to Bartle to renew the bonds of friendship and warmth in She-She-Be and your new Lone Bear. You will find that the traditions are strong and Micosay is thriving in the hills and valleys of the mighty Osage.

I was privileged to serve as both your Directing Medicine Man and the Lone Star Micosay Advisor. I give you my thanks (especially the new Braves) for being a part of a very special summer experience.

2007 Year in Review

Dave Woodman

Directing Medicine Man Painted Elk

Once again, the wooded hills and valleys of the Osage resounded with the sounds of the ceremonial drum calling Tribesmen to ceremony. Another summer and again the spirit of Micosay was strengthened with the addition of new members.

The 2007 camping season began with the Tribal Celebration. There were many opportunities for fun and fellowship and the weekend concluded with the naming of Mr. Dick Martin to be our 78th Presiding Chieftain.

Direct leadership to the Called Braves and Warriors was provided by the three Micosay Advisors; Mic Finn, Bruce Reed, and Dick Brown. Aiding them were the three Micosay Counselors; Nathan Lacey, Joe Beck, and Jared Thate.

Much good and meaningful work was accomplished by the Warrior work crews under the supervision of Lester Ham and Jim Todd. John Olvera Sr. and Nick Nichols are to be commended for the excellent work they did in encouraging and supporting improvement in tribal attire.

Recording Medicine Man Merlyn Grubb reports that 1351 new members joined our Tribe in 2007. Of these 908 were new Braves, 363 new Honorary Warriors, and 80 Honored Women. We also recognized 904 Scouts as Foxmen and hope to see them return next year to become tribesmen.

Seven hundred twenty-seven Braves took their next step by advancing to the rank of Warrior. A total of 950 young Tribesmen added new paint their claws – 401 Firebuilders, 259 Tom Tom Beaters, 163 Runners, 80 Keepers of the Sacred Bundle and 47 Shamans.

Throughout the summer, Sixty-seven Tribesmen received Tribal Council elevations. During first session, David Allen was elevated to Chieftain and later in the summer, Congressman Ike Skelton was also elevated to Chieftain.  

The Silver Coup, also known as the Chiefs coup, was awarded to two dedicated Tribesmen for special merit and outstanding service to the Tribe of Micosay. Chief Faithful Eagle (Tim Bugg) presented the Silver Coup to William Koch (Medicine Man Towering Cottonwood) and Richard Weiland (Medicine Man Walking Asking Bear).

The 2008 Tribal Gathering is already in the planning stages. If all goes as planned, we will be assembling in the NEW Lone Bear Council Ring.

Listen to your hearts and live your commitments and we will gather together again for ceremony and brotherhood. It is indeed my pleasure to serve as your Directing Medicine Man.