Learn about another Scouting culture and experience the excitement and energy of Israel like never before. “Israel Scouts” (Tzofim) is Israel’s Scouting program. As with Scout programs around the world, many core values are the same as ours. They enjoy the outdoors and develop responsibility and leadership like we do, but they also have an extremely unique program. Each summer, thousands of Israeli Scouts apply and audition for an entertainment corps that travels to North America and performs at Scout Camps and community venues. Four groups of ten Scouts traverse the United States in what are called Tzofim Friendship Caravans. These talented Scouts sing (both in English and in Hebrew) dance and bring warmth and friendship to communities across the nation.
Kansas City has been a successful tour stop for many years and the group will hold three performances open to the public in July:
July 25 - 7:00 pm - Theodore Naish Scout Reservation
July 27 - 2:30 pm - Jewish Community Center
July 27 - 7:00 pm - Jewish Community Center
This tour stop presents an excellent and unique opportunity for Scouts and their families to experience a taste of International Scouting. Admission is FREE.
Click here for more information.