For Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts
The Heart of America Council and the Boy Scouts of America place great importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA has developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for its programs.
Scouting safely is our top priority and there are a few important updates when it comes to district and council overnight events for Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts.
Effective September 1, The BSA has updated the adult supervision requirements for overnight activities for Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts. This update enhances the minimum “two-deep leadership” requirements by additionally requiring every adult 18 years or older present on overnight activities to be a registered member of the BSA.
The Heart of America Council and the Boy Scouts of America requires all participants in its programs to be aware of and adhere to all measures designed to protect our youth. We’ve created a comprehensive safety document with more information that’s also sharable on the link below.
Download Safe Scouting Overview
Posted by Matt Armstrong
Jun 06, 2023