The STEM Guy

STEM in Scouting - #1

As my plane lined up on approach to Zurich International this past week, it occurred to me that almost everything we take for granted in modern life would not be possible if it were not for some very smart men and women in today’s STEM fields. Things like texting while streaming the latest science movie in the comfort of my economy seat flying halfway around the world.

But what is STEM you ask? It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It’s the initiative that many universities, business corporations, even whole countries are embarking on to spark the interest in today’s youth and draw them into the wonders of scientific discovery. Titans like Honeywell, Burns & McDonnell, Black and Veatch, Boeing, The Boy Scouts of America, and many more are grooming the engineers, scientists, physicists and mathematicians of tomorrow. 

Wait, did I just say Boy Scouts of America? I sure did! The Scouting program is a leader in today’s STEM related activities. Our massive membership has produced, and can draw on, some of the top minds in today’s fields. And it’s not a new thing either. Some of the first merit badges in 1911 were Architecture, Astronomy, Chemistry, and Electricity.

Over the next several posts, I will share how your unit can help your Scouts earn the BSA Nova and SuperNova awards. We will talk about getting your unit ready with your own counselors, building a program, teaming with district and council resources, achieving the Nova awards, and driving toward Supernova. An awesome start to the New Year!

The STEM guy

National STEM Resources | STEM Camping in Kansas City