Sibling Popcorn Champs Honor Heroes

Council Top Popcorn Sellers

Sibling Popcorn Champs Honor Heroes

A brother-sister duo is putting their pack on the map nationally and they're doing it all while giving back to those they look up to most. Billy and Lucy L. from Pack 3348 in Overland Park are not only the top popcorn sellers in our council, but among the best in the entire country!

Lucy was the #2 seller in our council and finished in the top 25 in the nation with a whopping $17,047 in sales. Not to be outdone, her brother Billy was our council's top seller and finished #6 nationally with an astonishing $30,690 in sales. Because of their combined efforts, they also helped propel Pack 3348 to the number 6 spot in the entire country.

Not only are these sibling Scouts racking up the sales, but they are also honoring heroes. For every sale, the duo delivered popcorn to first responders across the metro. If that wasn't enough, they also donated a percentage of their sales to Harvesters Food Bank.


Because of their amazing efforts, both Billy and Lucy will be recognized at our Top Pop celebration next month. Thank you for being Scouts we can all be proud of!