Philmont Advisor Skills School Comes to KC

October 28 & 29, 2017

Philmont Advisor Skills School (PASS) is designed to help prepare Philmont advisors to lead a successful trek and this year courses are coming to Kansas City. Sessions will be held October 28 & 29 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at the Heart of America Council Service Center. These 8-hour courses will cover backcountry and logistical fundamentals of Philmont, including:

  • Campsite set-up
  • Cooking and cleaning
  • Gear needs
  • Physical conditioning
  • Transportation
  • Tips and tricks the PASS instructors have learned over their years on Philmont staff

The course is targeted towards advisors coming to Philmont in 2018. If you are interested in learning more about Philmont, you are more than welcome to attend; however, the material is tailored towards those coming in 2018. The $40 fee covers instruction, a Philmont-style trail meal lunch, dinner, PASS materials, and a patch.

*Note: These are two separate PASS courses. The instructors will cover the same material both days, so you only need to attend one session.