New Cub Scout Program Webcasts

January 17, 2015

Did you hear there’s a new Cub Scout program launching June 1, 2015?

If so, you know it’ll be more exciting for boys and easier to implement for unit leaders.

But you probably still have questions about how it’ll work. There’s good news: You can get many of those questions answered by watching a special webcast on Jan. 17.

The webcasts will cover the coming changes, how to prepare and when resources will be available. Sessions are position-specific, but anyone in any role who has an interest in the new Cub Scout program is welcome to attend. No login or special registration is required. Just click the link below at the times listed, and you’re all set.

If you can’t make any of these sessions, don’t worry. They’ll be recorded for later viewing.

Cubmaster Webcasts

8 am (Central) Saturday, January 17
3 pm (Central) Saturday, January 17

Den Leader Webcasts

9:30 am (Central) Saturday, January 17
4:30 pm (Central) Saturday, January 17

LDS-Specific Considerations*

11 am (Central) Saturday, January 17
6 pm (Central) Saturday, January 17

*It is recommended that those interested in the LDS session view one of the role-specific sessions first.

View the webcasts: (No login is required)