Independence Scout Uniform Found in Japan

Returned by Marine more than 40 years later

Independence Scout Uniform Found in Japan

More than 7,000 miles away and 40 years later, a discovery in Japan is connecting Scouters across the globe. Lance Corporal Michael Miller is an Eagle Scout from Eldon, Iowa who is now stationed in Okinawa, Japan. About a year ago, he stumbled upon an old Boy Scout uniform mixed in with a bunch of army uniforms in an American-themed flea market in Japan. 

Miller first purchased the uniform with the intent of listing it on Ebay, but instead decided to see if the troop was still in existence and if he could find a way to return it. After a few emails, he learned that Troop 347, the unit number on the uniform, was thriving in Independence, MO. In fact, the troop just celebrated its 50 anniversary.

Now more than a year after the discovery, Miller happened to be on leave this October in the Midwest. Before visiting friends in Warrensburg, MO and his family in Iowa, he made the trip to the Heart of America Council Service Center with an amazing story and of course the Scout uniform.

Judging by the Eagle Badge and the council strip, the uniform dates back to the mid to late 70's. We are now in the process of delivering the uniform back to Troop 347 and to potentially identify the original owner.

Special thanks to Lance Corporal Michael Miller for sharing this incredible story. This truly goes above and beyond doing a good turn daily!