Eagle Scout Advancement
Project Approvals
Troy Stigall, Big Muddy District Eagle Scout Board of Review Chair, will review project proposals at Roundtable, which are held the at 7:30pm, on the first Tuesday of the month (except in the months of June & July). For June and July please make an appointment.
The scout should have:
- The contact and proposal section of the packet completed, including signatures, neatly arranged in a three ring binder. The Scout should also be in full Class A uniform.
Eagle Boards of Review
Scoutmasters, please call Troy Stigall to set up the Eagle Candidates Eagle Board of Review. This will allow the Scoutmaster and Troy to set a place and time. The District will provide two members of the board, Scoutmasters please provide one member for the board (this can be a Community/Business Leader). Please allow at least 2 weeks before the board this gives the candidate time to do the following:
- Notify his Troop/Crew of his desire to have his Eagle Scout Board of Review.
- Arrange for his letters of recommendation to be delivered to a Troop contact for delivery to Troy on the night of the Board of Review.
- Arrange for his "Friend of Scout" (optional).
- Arrange for his parents/guardians to be present for pictures afterwards (district provides a photographer).
Additional forms and resources for work on the Eagle Scout Rank can be found HERE!
Situations often arise with varying mitigating circumstances that may hinder a young man's advancement toward the rank of Eagle Scout. Conditions that may hinder his advancement could include special needs (physical, mental, behavioral, and/or emotional needs), a young man approaching the age of 18 or a young man who has completed everything required except his Board of Review who is past the age of 18. Specific questions or concerns about these circumstances or others concerning advancement to Eagle Scout for a young man should be addressed as quickly as possible to either: