Big Muddy District Advancement


One of the 8 methods of Scouting, the Advancement program rewards scouts for each of their achievements, helping them gain self-confidence.

The ranks, requirements and method of advancement differ by program and are loosely outlined below.

Webelos to Boy Scout Transition

The passage from a Cub Scout Pack to a Boy Scout Troop should be smooth, with no time lost in between. By the time Webelos Scouts are ready to cross over, they and their families should be familiar and comfortable with the youth and adult leaders of the troop, their role in the troop and troop activities, and feel excited about beginning this new adventure. The Webelos Scout's graduation ceremony should clearly signify his transition to a new level of Scouting, and could include the presentation of his Arrow of Light Award, a Boy Scout Handbook, and a troop neckerchief.

A Webelos Scout who has earned the Arrow of Light Award has now completed all the requirements for the Scout badge and may join a Boy Scout troop.

The key factor to improved Webelos transition is the ongoing working relationship of the leaders of a Cub Scout pack and a Boy Scout troop. Ideally a community organization would have both a pack and a troop with leaders who work together to help move Webelos Scouts into a Boy Scout troop the same way schools move students from elementary school to middle school.

Eagle Scout Advancement

Project Approvals

Troy Stigall, Big Muddy District Eagle Scout Board of Review Chair, will review project proposals at Roundtable, which are held the at 7:30pm, on the first Tuesday of the month (except in the months of June & July). For June and July please make an appointment.

The scout should have:

  • The contact and proposal section of the packet completed, including signatures, neatly arranged in a three ring binder. The Scout should also be in full Class A uniform.

Eagle Boards of Review

Scoutmasters, please call Troy Stigall to set up the Eagle Candidates Eagle Board of Review. This will allow the Scoutmaster and Troy to set a place and time. The District will provide two members of the board, Scoutmasters please provide one member for the board (this can be a Community/Business Leader). Please allow at least 2 weeks before the board this gives the candidate time to do the following:

  • Notify his Troop/Crew of his desire to have his Eagle Scout Board of Review.
  • Arrange for his letters of recommendation to be delivered to a Troop contact for delivery to Troy on the night of the Board of Review.
  • Arrange for his "Friend of Scout" (optional).
  • Arrange for his parents/guardians to be present for pictures afterwards (district provides a photographer).

Additional forms and resources for work on the Eagle Scout Rank can be found HERE!

Situations often arise with varying mitigating circumstances that may hinder a young man's advancement toward the rank of Eagle Scout. Conditions that may hinder his advancement could include special needs (physical, mental, behavioral, and/or emotional needs), a young man approaching the age of 18 or a young man who has completed everything required except his Board of Review who is past the age of 18. Specific questions or concerns about these circumstances or others concerning advancement to Eagle Scout for a young man should be addressed as quickly as possible to either:

Religious Emblems

Youth Religious Award Knot
Youth Religious Award Knot
Adult Religious Award Knot
Adult Religious Award Knot


Religious Emblems programs are written, maintained and approved by the various Faith Communities not by the BSA. BSA acknowledges the values of each of those programs and encourages participation and presentation of the achievement on the BSA uniform. Religious Emblems programs are Scouting's way of demonstrating "Duty to God" and "reverence".

Program materials are written for your specific Faith or Beliefs and are directed toward age specific groups for all Scouting programs.

Religious Emblems are also available for Adult Leaders. Adult Leaders must be nominated by someone who believes that Leader is worthy of the Adult Religious Award.

For more information about Youth and Adult Religious Emblems, contact the District Religious Emblems Coordinator, Phillip Davis.

Merit Badge Program

The Merit Badge program allows any Boy Scout or any qualified Venturer to learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as you earn merit badges. Boys will also pick-up some valuable life skills along the way as they earn these merit badges.

Youth, are you looking for a Merit Badge Counselor? Click HERE to search for a Merit Badge Counselor!

Merit Badge Counselors work with young men on their selected merit badge(s). The Merit Badge Counselor is qualified to teach the merit badges he/she offers to teach, usually as a result of a professional background in the subject matter, being a hobbyist in the selected merit badge, or having a great deal of personal experience with the merit badge. A Merit Badge Counselor must complete the following requirements to be a Merit Badge Counselor:

Merit Badge Counselor Training

Merit Badge Counselor Training will be held at Big Muddy District Roundtable at dates to be announced. For more information or to request Merit Badge Counselor Training, contact:

Adult Service & Support Awards

Several awards for service by adults to Scouting and to other organizations while a Scouter are available. Click the links below for more information on all these various awards:

Lifesaving & Meritorious Action Awards

National and council awards may be presented to members of Scouting for displaying unusual heroism, skill or bravery made for outstanding and unusual acts. Details of the various awards can be found by clicking HERE!

Marc Stigall

Advancement Chair

Big Muddy District

Mike Ryun

Webelos to Scout Transition Chair

Big Muddy District

Troy Stigall

Eagle Scout Board of Review Chair

Big Muddy District

Phillip Davis

Religious Emblems Coordinator

Big Muddy District